Bad at Judging Dating App Photos?

Bad At Judging Dating App Photos?

You Probably Suck at Picking Your Best Dating App Photos!

Nicholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, conducted an experiment of undergrads to determine how good-looking they were to the opposite sex. He found that predictions by students were not significantly better than chance.

As Epley said, “Those people had no clue about how attractive they were, seen in the eyes of others.” Epley suggests the reason we are such bad judges is that “other people are novices about us, while we’re experts.”

This ignorance about one’s own attractiveness extends to photo selection, according to a study reported on the Photofeeler blog:

New Study Confirms: You’re Bad at Judging Your Own Pictures, Posted on May 20, 2017

There are pictures we think are our most flattering. Then there are pictures which are our most flattering (according to strangers).

Unfortunately, they’re not the same pictures. That’s the conclusion of a recent scientific study in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications called, “Choosing face: The curse of self in profile image selection.”

…Self-selected profile pictures made less favorable impressions than the ones selected by a stranger.

According to the study’s conclusions, we don’t see pictures of ourselves the same way strangers do… We’re vulnerable to pick bad ones.

More Photo Selection Advice

Vida Select, a team of Matchmaking Experts, provides some of these tips on their blog.

  • Have someone else choose your profile pic.
  • Skip those boring neutrals. (Wear RED).
  • Accentuate your jawline.
  • Put Your Best Face Forward. (Usually Left side.)
  • Take Advantage of The “Ugly Friend Effect.” (Note: A study recommends standing next to someone who has similar features but isn’t quite as attractive.)
  • Smile!
  • Take photos at sunrise and sunset. Avoid flash photography as it adds 7 years to how old you look.
  • Dress for Success. Coat and tie photos viewed more favorably.

Read More Related: Does Your Dating Profile Have A USP?

Peter White makes these three photo suggestions from a study of Stefan Pierre Tomlin, a tall, black British pilot and model in his 20s, allegedly the most “Swiped-Right Man on Tinder”:

  1. First photo should have a bright colored background. This helps you stand out. (My Note: The background in photos is underappreciated. A good background makes the photo pop, or it reinforces some theme or trait you’re projecting.)
  2. Show some skin. (Suggests a photo in swim trunks vacationing.) Travel photos, especially from exotic places, make you seem more interesting. Tomlin recommends at least one sexy photo. My Note: Some studies show that shirtless photos suppress results, so this view is controversial. It may come down to your age, the quality of your physique, the appropriateness of your swim trunks, and the tastes of the women you’re targeting.
  3. Show yourself from different sides. “Include some pictures where you look smart, beautiful or handsome and others where you look more casual.” Tomlin likes hobby photos too. I would add that you should include photos that make you appear trustworthy (e.g. a photo of you with your puppy.)

Tip 1: You’re Not a Good Judge of Your Own Photos

A couple of years ago I visited the markets (medinas) in Morocco. The locals won’t buy jewelry without getting the input of friends and family. It’s considered too important to be left up to one’s own judgment. If you were colorblind, you’d ask for help from others. You’re the equivalent of colorblind when it comes to photo selection.

Tip 2: Photo Background Matters

There’s nothing wrong with a professionally taken photo with a neutral background. You can be sure that photographer is going to do better at getting the right amount of light than a buddy, and it’s far better than the dreaded selfie. But you may want to try a bright background as recommended by “The Most Swiped Right” man on Tinder.

You may also choose a background that reinforces the theme or USP you’ve chosen to project. I’ve created a free photo selection pdf that. you can access on my website.

For a complimentary 15-minute consultation on enhancing your dating profile, feel free to schedule a session at or reach out via text at (240) 477-3999.

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