“Clothes make the man.” – Mark Twain

Miami Vice’s Don Johnson had a unique look.
Miami Vice’s Don Johnson had a unique look.

I was a fan of Miami Vice’s Don Johnson in the 1980s for the same reasons Roger Bennett expressed in, “My Love Affair with the U.S.A.”…

[Miami Vice’s] Don Johnson…drove a Ferrari, kept a semi-automatic pistol…and possessed a head of feathered hair that became blonder the more successful the show became.

The most remarkable thing about him was that he appeared unafraid to be singular in style…[He] savored pastels to an absurd degree…No shootout was so treacherous that camouflage and Kevlar should be favored over a pink T-shirt tucked into a high-waisted, pleated cream linen pants and espadrilles with no socks.

What spoke to me was that this was a man unafraid to be different.  He had found a look and committed to it.

While styles change over time and vary by age, taste, and occupation, every man should be concerned by how they look according to evolutionary psychologist David J. Butler, author of Adapting Minds.

Butler studied the impact of men’s clothing on their attractiveness.  He found women had a strong preference for men wearing “high status” clothes, in six kinds of relationships ranging from one-night stands to marriage.

…research has found that women find men who are well-dressed to be sexier, more intelligent, successful, more popular and better relationship material…

In fact, wearing “high status” clothes is one of the easiest ways for a man to become instantly more attractive to women…

Kelton Research performed a survey in 2011 that confirmed these findings even in this era of more casual dress.

…not only are well-dressed men viewed as sexier, smarter, more successful, and more well-liked, they also fare better in relationships.  In fact 91% of Americans think dressing well can make a man appear to be more physically attractive than he really is…

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          So what’s a good look for a man?

          Don Johnson, Don Draper (Jon Hamm) from Mad Men, and James Bond are old school examples.  Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Idris Elba, and John Legend are examples of other men who dress stylishly.

The Dos Equis guy combined great storytelling, adventure and fashion in its ads.
The Dos Equis guy combined great storytelling, adventure and fashion in its ads.

But my vote for best dressed goes to the Dos Equis guy who helped triple beer sales over the 9 years he was its pitchman.

The Dos Equis guy always wears a jacket with a pocket square.  He doesn’t dye his hair.  Of course, his story — “He’s the most interesting man in the world” — is a big reason for his popularity.  But if he dressed like a slob, he wouldn’t have credibility.

          Besides conveying wealth, sophistication and style, a jacket can conceal a slight gut.  Plus, women who put so much more effort in their appearance appreciate a man who dresses well. 

Now I realize the Dos Equis style won’t work for someone like the Dude, the hippie character in one of my favorite movies, The Big Lebowski.

          There’s a classic scene at the bowling alley where the cowboy played by Sam Elliot says, “I like your style, Dude.”  The Dude responds:  “Well, I dig your style too man.  Got the whole cowboy thing goin.” 

On the surface, the cowboy and the stoner might seem at odds. But both men live life on their own terms and are not in the least bit worried about the approval of women, employers, or anyone else.

Although I’d recommend you dress more like the Dos Equis guy — or Don Draper or David Beckham — than the Dude, they all have confidence and a devil-may-care attitude that’s appealing. 

The drawback of the Dude’s slacker style is that if you look like a bum, you usually get treated like one.  Don Draper behaves much worse than the Dude, but his wardrobe often shields him like armor from the consequences of poor behavior.

In Christopher Canwell’s Atomic Attraction, he cites a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin:

[that] found men who displayed nonconformist traits such as risk-taking and assertiveness were seen as more attractive.  After all, in a world where most people are conformist, the man who’s unafraid to stand out is a unique and valuable commodity.

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Canwell also cites a study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology that states…“women are more attracted to men who wear flashy, stylish clothes, have humorous verbal expressions, and display open, confident body language…”

Dressing in brighter colors like the Rock attracts attention and shows confidence.
Dressing in brighter colors like the Rock attracts attention and shows confidence.

The Rock’s and Colman Domingo’s all pink suits – and the raspberry velvet jacket worn by Daniel Craig (James Bond) – are examples of men with enough confidence to dress boldly.

Now I can’t say I have a pink jacket in my closet, but if The Rock and James Bond are wearing pink jackets, it’s masculine by definition.

What’s effeminate because it’s strikes out with women is to dress in dark mustard shirts, drab neckties, and nerdy glasses like Dwight Schrute from The Office. (In the episode where Jim dressed up like Dwight as a gag, his looks plummet.)

Do you dress more like James Bond and The Rock, or Dwight?   If it’s Dwight, burn those clothes!

Don’t dress like Dwight!
Don’t dress like Dwight!

Don’t worry if you find wardrobe decisions stressful.  In this era when some men wear shorts and t-shirts to funerals, dressing better than most men is a low hurdle to jump.

You certainly don’t have to dress like the Lord on Downton Abbey or in flamboyant Versace clothing to have a big leg up on the competition. 

While I prefer a more traditional look, “there are many roads to Jerusalem” in fashion and grooming.  The important thing is to pick clothing and a style that plays to your strengths and to show effort.  Good luck!

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[1] “My Love Affair With the U.S.A.,” Wall Street Journal, Roger Bennett, July 3-4, 2021

[1] Atomic Attraction, Christopher Canwell, p. 37

[1] “Study Reveals Clothes DO Make, the Man Smarter, Sexier, and more Successful,” PRNewswire, Jan. 04, 2011

[1] Atomic Attraction, Christopher Canwell, p. 274

[1] Ibid, p. 276-277

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