The Marlboro Man & Men’s Dating Profiles

The Marlboro Man is an example of an image that’s become synonymous with freedom, rugged independence, and manly courage.  This campaign changed advertising by selling lifestyle and image rather than features and benefits.  But the ad is based on a lie.

The Marlboro Man was introduced in 1954 by Draper Daniels (the inspiration for Don Draper of Mad Men) of the Leo Burnett Agency to counter the perception that smoking filtered cigarettes was “girly.” Plus, real cowboys who need their hands are more likely to dip or chew tobacco.

But this is a case where perception is more important than reality. Within the first year of its debut, Marlboro went from 1% market share to fourth in cigarette sales, and it is the most valuable tobacco brand today.

          The popularity of Yellowstone and other westerns — as well as music icons like Beyonce — has led to a resurgence in Western wear among top designers and much of the public.

          Now the Marlboro Man isn’t the right look for James Bond or Don Johnson of Miami Vice, and it might not be the right look for you.  It depends on the image you’re trying to project, your personal preferences, and the tastes of the women you’re seeking.

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          Interestingly, Marlboros are much more popular with women than cigarettes like Virginia Slims that are targeted to them.  Women are also attracted to the maverick image of the Marlboro Man.

This may be why so many women are attracted to the bad boy – whether he be on horseback like the cowboy or motorcycle like James Dean.  Science confirms the enduring popularity of this archetype.

          In Atomic Attraction, Christopher Canwell cites a study that found “men who displayed nonconformist traits such as risk-taking and assertiveness were seen as more attractive.  After all, in a world where most people are conformist, the man who is unafraid to stand out is a unique and valuable commodity.”[ii]

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          Does the Marlboro Man have relevance today?  Should a man try to dress and act like him?

          I’m not a fan of large belt buckles or plaid shirts, but I like cowboy boots because they give a man a boost and tap into this Western mystique.

          It’s not that I’m intimidated by a taller woman, but I know that many women don’t feel feminine around a man who isn’t comfortably taller. It’s a turnoff.  Cowboy boots level the playing field when a tall woman wears high heels.

          But what matters most is not how the Marlboro Man dresses.  No, it’s the strength, independence, and decisiveness he projects.  Please keep in mind the power of images like the Marlboro Man when you create your profile… and you might try to adopt some of his qualities, but without the deadly tobacco addiction of course.

Are you ready to transform your dating life? 

For a complimentary 15-minute consultation on enhancing your dating profile, feel free to schedule a session at or reach out via text at (240) 477-3999.

[i] Atlantic Magazine, Adrian Shrink, “The Real Marlboro Man, Feb. 17, 2015

[ii] Atomic Attraction, Christopher Caldwell, p. 274, Personality and Psychology Bulletin

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