Two Young Men

Below is the billion dollar “Two Young Men” letter for the Wall Street Journal, arguably the most successful sales letter of all time

Dear Reader:

On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. They were very much alike, these two young men. Both had been better than average students, both were personable and both—as young college graduates are—were filled with ambitious dreams for the future

Recently, these men returned to their college for their 25th reunion.

They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had three children. And both, it turned out, had gone to work for the same Midwestern manufacturing company after graduation, and were still there.

But there was a difference. One of the men was manager of a small department of that company. The other was its president.

What Made the Difference

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives?
It isn’t a native intelligence or talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge.

And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about The Wall Street Journal.
For that is the whole purpose of The Journal: to give its readers knowledge—knowledge that they can use in business.

A Publication Unlike Any Other

You see, The Wall Street Journal is a unique publication. It’s the country’s only national business daily. Each business day, it is put together by the world’s largest staff of business-news experts…

When a man creates his dating profile, he has a choice to make.  He can “wing it” and have mediocre results or…

…he can seek out guidance in creating his dating profile and be successful like the man who subscribed to the Wall Street Journal and became company president.

My book, Dating Profile Secrets for Men:  Attract Your Dream Girl Through Storytelling is one way to get a leg up on your competition, but there are many helpful resources online. 

At the very least, please have others with taste review your photo selection, especially your main profile photo.

Aristotle wrote, “The educated differ from the uneducated as the living from the dead,” and Francis Bacon famously wrote: “Knowledge is power.”

Your success in online dating is no more a matter of luck or providence than the “two young men” in the Wall Street Journal ad.

Besides dedication and perseverance, you must become educated – or get outside help – to create a winning profile.

Which man in the Wall Street Journal ad are you going to be?

If you’d like to arrange a free 15-minute consultation on how to improve your dating profile, please visit to book a session, or text me directly at (240) 477-3999

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