What I learned from Goldie Hawn in Santa Fe

In the late 80s, I was eating breakfast in a nice hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, near the “Proper Attire Required” sign at the entrance.

Frankly, I hadn’t given the sign much thought until I saw Goldie Hawn enter the restaurant in a see-through white tank top with no bra and tattered jeans.

I thought to myself, “Oh, this is gonna’ be interesting.”

Although her attire wasn’t “proper,” she was one of the leading actresses back then. Would the host enforce the rules and potentially alienate a prominent guest?

I was pleased the host treated her like anyone else by refusing service. To her credit, Goldie Hawn didn’t get mad or complain. She just went back to her room and came back with Kurt Russell in a more modest outfit.

The lesson here is the importance of enforcing boundaries to stop bad behavior.

In romantic relationships men are tested by women to see if their standards are firm, or if they can be manipulated?

This is particularly true in online dating where the most attractive women are so bombarded with attention that many develop a sense of entitlement.

In extreme cases, women require an “allowance,” which at least makes their intentions clear.

But a more common behavior is for women to expect men to take them on fancy dates early in a relationship.

One infamous YouTube video that made The View featured a young woman who refused to go to the Cheesecake Factory on a first date. She says, “Who takes a woman who looks like this to a chain restaurant?” i (This entitlement is worse than you think. The guy made a reservation at an expensive restaurant but was forced to cancel because she was over an hour late. Plus, she was “average at best,” as the late Kevin Samuels would say.)

Some people claim this video was a skit, but the attitude that underpins this video is real, as is the advice of relationship writer Jana Hocking. She writes approvingly of one of her friends, who won’t sleep with a man until he spends $2,000 on her. This is justified in her opinion to get back at men who ghost women after sex.ii

Are most women greedy and entitled?

No, this level of antisocial behavior is rare. Of the 50 or 60 women I dated online, I’d say two women – both realtors – were “gold diggers.”

One, from Russia, asked me on our second date, “When you fly, do you go first class?” (I got the feeling if I said, “yes,” she’d date me again). The other from Canada was more subtle but just as greedy about extracting as much as she could on dates.

Now don’t get me wrong…I believe a man should be willing to “open his wallet,” especially if he’s dating a younger or more attractive woman. But it should be on his terms. Any woman who expects or demands gifts or lavish meals at the start of a relationship should be ditched. It’s a red flag that should never be ignored.

Profile Lies

There should be a special place in dating app hell for people who lie on dating profiles. I’m not referring to minor things like women who shave a few years off their age or use AI to enhance a glamour photo. We know the world is corrupt.

No, I’m talking about the woman who wrote on her profile that she was divorced, but it turned out her husband still lived in her home, as well as my date who I thought was “separated,” but was married and “testing the waters.”

In online dating profiles, it’s vital to remember the old Russian proverb, “trust but verify.” Don’t count on profiles to be accurate.

And you must enforce boundaries like the host did with Goldie Hawn in Santa Fe. If you run into a woman even remotely selfish like the Cheesecake Factory woman, run for the hills. Count your blessings that you found out her true nature so soon.

Also Read: Men: Are you a Lovable Rogue” on Dating Apps?


1. How would you describe Goldie Hawn?

Goldie Hawn is an American actress who shares a positive energy, cheerful spirit, and an amazing smile. Her fame was based on her talent in comedy and the roles she was taking, mostly jokes and her giggle. Apart from her acting career, Goldie is also a producer, singer, as well as a philanthropist. She is famous for being a beauty queen, charming, and being in a stable relationship with Kurt Russell. She has also done drama as a comedian and has also performed other different roles indicating that she is a versatile actress.

2. Why is Goldie Hawn famous?

Goldie Hawn hit the screens in the late 1960s with the program called Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In where they offered her acting and comedial talent. She was able to become a successful Hollywood actress and she received the Academy Award for her performance in Cactus Flower, in 1969. Goldie was featured in films such as Private Benjamin, Overboard, Death Becomes Her, and The First Wives Club. She was also a comedian the audience warmed immensely to, making her one of Hollywood’s most loved screen icons.

3. Why doesn’t Goldie Hawn make movies anymore?

Goldie Hawn has retired from the acting profession to take care of her family and to fund her charitable organizations. Namely, she has spent much time on The Hawn Foundation, which she has established in the name of children’s mindfulness and their psychological health. In the interviews, Goldie noted that she turned into a picky lady in choosing her projects now that she would like to spend more time with her family. But she came back on screen, in The Christmas Chronicles (2018) and its sequel with her co-partner Kurt Russell.

4. How did Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell meet?

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, have been dating since February 14th, 1983, which is Valentine’s Day. The couple first encountered each other in a movie entitled The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band in 1967, but they were not lovers then. They met again many years later during the shooting of the film titled Swing Shift. At the time, both of them were single after being in other relationships and started to feel attracted to each other. They fell in love and began having chemistry in their scenes, while the camera never caught them formally tying the knot, they have been in love for over forty years. People tend to like them because they have a long-standing healthy relationship in Hollywood.

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